๐Ÿ’นXPay Pro Token

Blockchain Information

  • Network: Ethereum

  • Smart Contract Address: 0x63a0db25159672326ac8fbf512c409598801b145


  • Token Name: XPay Pro Tech

  • Token Symbol: XPPT

  • Total Supply: 1,000,000

  • 94% Added to LP

  • 6% Marketing Spending

  • Buy & Sell Tax: 4%

  • Team Tokens: 0% (Zero)

Tax income will be spent for development expenses, team payments & Marketing funds.

Tokens Reserved for Marketing will be sent to our marketing partners for the cost of their services. We have no control either over these tokens and our partners nor how they would trade these tokens.

  • Launch Type: Fair Launch without any Presale and without any Team Tokens.

  • Max Wallet & Max TX: No Limits

  • Contract Ownership is renounced and LP is locked initially for 6 months

Liquidity lock will be extended based on milestones on project. More info will be available in our social channels.

Last updated